Search Results: "Martin Michlmayr"

24 January 2016

Martin Michlmayr: QNAP TS-x09 installer available again

Debian 8.3 came out today. As part of this update, Debian installer images for QNAP TS-109, TS-209 and TS-409 are available again. These devices are pretty old but there are still some users. We dropped installer support several years ago because the installer ramdisk was too large to fit in flash. Since then, users had to install Debian 6.0 (squeeze) and upgrade from there. When squeeze was removed from the Debian mirrors recently, I received mail from a number of users. I investigated a bit and found out that we can bring back the installer thanks to XZ compression and some other changes. The installer is available for jessie and stretch.

24 July 2015

Martin Michlmayr: Congratulations to Stefano Zacchiroli

Stefano Zacchiroli receiving the O'Reilly Open Source Award I attended OSCON's closing sessions today and was delighted to see my friend Stefano Zacchiroli (Zack) receive an O'Reilly Open Source Award. Zack acted as Debian Project Leader for three years, is working on important activities at the Open Source Initiative and the Free Software Foundation, and is generally an amazing advocate for free software. Thanks for all your contributions, Zack, and congratulations!

21 July 2015

Martin Michlmayr: Debian archive rebuild on ARM64 with GCC 5

I recently got access to several ProLiant m400 ARM64 servers at work. Since Debian is currently working on the migration to GCC 5, I thought it would be nice to rebuild the Debian archive on ARM64 to see if GCC 5 is ready. Fortunately, I found no obvious compiler errors. During the process, I noticed several areas where ARM64 support can be improved. First, a lot of packages failed to build due to missing dependencies. Some missing dependencies are libraries or tools that have not been ported to ARM64 yet, but the majority was due to the lack of popular programming languages on ARM64. This requires upstream porting work, which I'm sure is going on already in many cases. Second, over 160 packages failed to build due to out-of-date autoconf and libtool scripts. Most of these bugs have been reported over a year ago by the ARM64 porters (Matthias Klose from Canonical/Ubuntu and Wookey from ARM/Linaro) and the PowerPC porters, but unfortunately they haven't been fixed yet. Finally, I went through all packages that list specific architectures in debian/control and filed wishlist bugs on those that looked relevant to ARM64. This actually prompted some Debian and upstream developers to implement ARM64 support, which is great!

19 July 2015

Gregor Herrmann: RC bugs 2015/17-29

after the release is before the release. or: long time no RC bug report. after the jessie release I spent most of my Debian time on work in the Debian Perl Group. we tried to get down the list of new upstream releases (from over 500 to currently 379; unfortunately the CPAN never sleeps), we were & still are busy preparing for the Perl 5.22 transition (e.g. we uploaded something between 300 & 400 packages to deal with Module::Build & being removed from perl core; only team-maintained packages so far), & we had a pleasant & productive sprint in Barcelona in May. & I also tried to fix some of the RC bugs in our packages which popped up over the previous months. yesterday & today I finally found some time to help with the GCC 5 transition, mostly by making QA or Non-Maintainer Uploads with patches that already were in the BTS. a big thanks especially to the team at HP which provided a couple dozens patches! & here's the list of RC bugs I've worked on in the last 3 months:

8 January 2014

Gunnar Wolf: Meeting with Chilean sysadmins

Meeting with Chilean sysadmins
Ok, so I'm back in Mexico! This year, the best fare I found for travelling to spend the Winter^WSummer season with Regina's family had an oddity: I usually have a layover at either Santiago de Chile or Lima (Per ) of between 45 minutes and 2 hours, clearly less than enough to do anything. But this time, I had a massive 10 hours layover in Santiago. And spending 10 hours in an airport is far from fun. Specially when you have a good group of friends in town! I visited Chile in 2004 for Encuentro Linux (still before the time I had a digital camera: Those photos are all taken by Martin Michlmayr), and I have stayed in touch with a group of systems administrators since then. So, I mailed the list, and we managed to get eight people to have lunch together. In the order we appear in the photo: Some of them, even living in the same city, had never met in person before So, of course, we had a table reserved at the restaurant to the name of Dennis Ritchie. And having had nice, fun, sometimes-technical talks... Well, a tiny bit of his spirit was there. Of course, we can only trust he was there, as no Ouija boards were used and no null pointers were dereferenced (just to make sure not to disturb him). Victor Hugo and lvaro took me for a short Santiago city trip before lunch, we had a very nice time. Thanks! :-)

30 July 2013

Bits from Debian: Martin Michlmayr gets the O'Reilly Open Source Award

Longtime Debian Developer Martin Michlmayr was named as one of 6 winners of the 2013 O Reilly Open Source Awards. This Award recognize individual contributors who have demonstrated exceptional leadership, creativity, and collaboration in the development of Open Source Software. Martin received the award for his investment in Debian where he served as Debian Project Leader for two terms between 2003 and 2005. Alt Martin Michlmayr gets the O'Reilly Open Source Award Congratulations tbm!

6 May 2013

Martin Michlmayr: Upgrading to Debian 7.0 (wheezy) on ARM

Debian 7.0 (wheezy) has been released. Here are some notes if you're running Debian on an ARM-based NAS device or plug computer and are planning to upgrade. First of all, if you're running Debian on a plug computer, such as the SheevaPlug, make sure that you have u-boot version 2011.12-3 (or higher). If you're using an older version, the Linux kernel in wheezy will not boot! You can read my u-boot upgrade instructions on how to check the version of u-boot and upgrade it. Second, check your /etc/kernel-img.conf file. If it still contains the following line, please remove this line.
postinst_hook = flash-kernel
This postinst_hook directive was needed in the past but flash-kernel is called automatically nowadays whenever you install a new kernel. Now you're almost ready to start with your upgrade. Before you start, make sure to read the release notes for Debian 7.0 on ARM. This document contains a lot of information on performing a successful upgrade. During the kernel upgrade, you'll get the following message about the boot loader configuration:
The boot loader configuration for this system was not recognized. These
settings in the configuration may need to be updated:
 * The root device ID passed as a kernel parameter;
 * The boot device ID used to install and update the boot loader.
On ARM-based NAS devices and plug computers, you can simply ignore this warning. We put the root device into the ramdisk so it will be updated automatically. There are no other issues I'm aware of, so good luck with your upgrade and have fun with Debian wheezy!

4 May 2013

Ian Campbell: Taking over qcontrol upstream, releasing qcontrol 0.5.0

Taking over Qcontrol upstream When I took over the qcontrol package in Debian, back in October 2012, I was aware that upstream hadn't been active for quite a while (since late 2009). I figured that would be OK since the software was pretty simple and pretty much feature complete. Nevertheless since I've been maintaining the package I've had a small number of wishlist bugs (many with patches, thanks guys!) which are really upstream issues. While I could carry them as patches in the Debian package they would really be better taken care of by an upstream. With that in mind I mailed the previous upstream (and original author) Byron Bradley back in February to ask if he would mind if I took over as upstream. Unfortunately I haven't yet heard back, given how long upstream has been inactive for this isn't terribly surprising so having waited several months I have decided to just go ahead and take over upstream development. Thanks Byron for all your work on the project, I hope you don't mind me taking over. Since it is unlikely that I will be able to access the old website or Subversion repository I have converted the repository to git and uploaded it to gitorious: I don't expect I'll be doing an awful lot of proactive upstream development but at least now I have a hat I can put on when someone reports an "upstream" issue against qcontrol and somewhere which can accept upstream patches from myself and others. I'm still deciding what to do about a website etc. I may just enable the gitorious wiki or I may setup an ikiwiki software site type setup, which has the advantage of being a little more flexible and providing a neat way of dealing with bug reports without being too much overhead to setup up. In the meantime its been almost 5 years since the last release, so... New Release: qcontrol 0.5.0 This is a rollup of some changes which were made in the old upstream SVN repository but never released and some patches which had been made in the Debian packaging. What's here corresponds to the Debian 0.4.2+svn-r40-3 package. The 0.4.2 release was untagged in SVN, but corresponds to r14, new stuff since then includes: As well as the change of maintainer I think the addition of the daemon mode warrants the bump to 0.5.0. Get the new release from git or

13 March 2013

Steve Kemp: So I'm a year older

Last week I had another birthday, which was nice. I'm now all mature, and everything. Honest. I received a few surprise gifts from friends and strangers alike, which was pretty good. Other than that I didn't do too much. This weekend I'm going to be using "airbnb" to spend the weekend in Dundee with my partner who is regularly commuting between Edinburgh and Perth/Dundee, to work in various hospitals. With all the commuting time she's not had too much time to explore the actual city, and I've only been there once before so I'm sure it will be a fun weekend. The templer static site generator got a little bit of pimping on the other day, thanks to Martin Michlmayr, although embarassingly I seem to have read the article and repeated the content in the conclusion, and duplicated that in my own comment. Ooops. Beyond that I've done little coding recently, although I suspect now that nodejs has had a stable release I might do something interesting soon. I don't want to dwell on the failure of Sim City - because I don't run windows and couldn't have tried it even if I wanted to - but I'm pondering the idea of a persistant grid-space where different items can be placed. I've not tried anything browser-based before, but the popularity of things like minecraft make me wonder if you had an "infinite grid" where folk could store "stuff", and scroll around in a browser you might be able to do interesting things. Starting small, with a 100x100 grid, and some kind of updated play-by-mail turfwars/drug-war like experience should be simple. But then again enthusiasm is easy to generate until you start working out how you'd interface with the server and what kind of client you'd need. Now to enjoy some 21 year old whisky and call it a night..

5 January 2013

Ian Campbell: Debugging Initramfs Issues With No Console

The QNAP TS-XXX NAS boxes are nice little systems but one thing I really miss is a console. Martin Michlmayr has some instructions (TS-119, TS-219, TS-41x) on his excellent Debian On QNAP pages on how to build a suitable adaptor but sadly even though I've managed to get all the parts I've been too lazy to actually solder the thing together (it doesn't help that I nearly always burn myself when I use a soldering iron!). This became more pressing when someone reported that Debian bug #693263 in qcontrol was not fixed in Wheezy since the issue appeared to be in the initramfs hook. Worse it seemed like something in my proposed fix was causing the system to not boot at all! Having finally found the hardware needed to reproduce the issue my first thought was to try netconsole. To do this I edited /etc/initramfs-tools/modules to add:
      netconsole netconsole=@<IP>/eth0,@<DST-IP>/<DST-MAC>
The option syntax is described in netconsole.txt but briefly: <IP> is the address of the TS-419P II I'm debugging on, and <DST-IP> and <DST-MAC> are the IP and MAC address of another machine on the network. Having done that, running update-initramfs -u and rebooting I can use netcat -u -l -p 6666 on the other machine to see all the kernel messages. So far so good but this doesn't get me any debugging from the userspace portions of the initramfs. To get those we have to get a bit hacky by editing /usr/share/initramfs-tools/init, first to change:

     # Parse command line options
    -for x in $(cat /proc/cmdline); do
    +for x in $(cat /proc/cmdline) debug; do
            case $x in
and secondly:

    -                exec >/run/initramfs/initramfs.debug 2>&1
    +                exec >/dev/kmsg 2>&1
                     set -x
The first of these simulates adding debug to the kernel command line (which can't otherwise easily be edited on these systems) and the second redirects the initramfs process's output to the kernel log. The overall effect is that the output of the initramfs processes appears over netcat.

4 March 2012

Stefano Zacchiroli: bits from the DPL for February 2012

Released a few hours ago, here is the monthly report of DPL activities for February 2012.
Howdy, dear Project Members,
here's another round of updates about what has happened in DPL land, this time during February 2012. Highlights Quit a bit of highlights for this month: Talks, interviews, and the like Sprints Plenty of sprints related news! It would be amazing to have an average of one sprint per month for 2012, and we're on good track for it. If you want to help, organize one for your team as documented on the wiki. Legal stuff Appointments In addition to the GSoC admins delegation (see above), I've agreed with former secretary Kurt Roeckx to reappoint him as a secretary for another year. Many thanks, Kurt! Miscellaneous Happy Debian hacking.
PS as usual, the boring day-to-day activity log is available at master:/srv/leader/news/bits-from-the-DPL.*

13 February 2012

James Bromberger: Debian Wheezy: US$19 Billion. Your price FREE!

As many would know, Debian GNU/Linux is one of the oldest, and the largest Linux distributions that is available for free. Since it was first released in 1993, several people have analysed the size and produced cost estimates for the project. In 2001, Jes s M. Gonz lez-Barahona et al produced an article entitled Counting Potatoes , an analysis of Debian 2.2 (code named Potato). When Potato was released in June 2003, it contained 2,800 source packages of software, totalling around 55 million lines of source code. When using David A. Wheeler s sloccount tool to apply the COCOMO model of development, and an average developer salary of US$56,000, the projected development cost that Gonz lez-Barahona calculated to start-from-scratch and build Debian 2.2 in 2003 was US$1.9 billion. In 2007 an analysis entitled Macro-level software evolution: a case study of a large software compilation by Jes s M. Gonz lez-Barahona, Gregorio Robles, Martin Michlmayr, Juan Jos Amor and Daniel M. German was released. It found that Debian 4.0 (codename Etch released April 2007) had just over 10,000 source packages of software and 288 million lines of source code. This analysis also delved into the dependencies of software packages, and the update flow between Debian release (not all packages are updated with each release). Today (February 2012) the current development version of Debian, codenamed Wheezy, contains some 17,141 source packages of software, but as it s still in development this number may change over the coming months. I analysied the source code in Wheezy, looking at the content from the original software that Debian distributes from its upstream authors without including the additional patches that Debian Developers apply to this software, or the package management scripts (used to install, configure and de-install packages). One might argue that these patches and configuration scripts are the added value of Debian, however the in my analysis I only examined the pristine upstream source code. By using David A Wheeler s sloccount tool and average wage of a developer of US$72,533 (using median estimates from and for 2011) I summed the individual results to find a total of 419,776,604 source lines of code for the pristine upstream sources, in 31 programming languages including 429 lines of Cobol and 1933 lines of Modula3! In my analysis the projected cost of producing Debian Wheezy in February 2012 is US$19,070,177,727 (AU$17.7B, EUR 14.4B, GBP 12.11B), making each package s upstream source code wrth an average of US$1,112,547.56 (AU$837K) to produce. Impressively, this is all free (of cost). Zooming in on the Linux Kernel In 2004 David A. Wheeler did a cost analysis of the Linux Kernel project by itself. He found 4,000,000 source lines of code (SLOC), and a projected cost between US$175M and US$611M depending on the complexity rating of the software. Within my analysis above, I used the standard (default) complexity with the adjusted salary for 2011 (US$72K), and deducted that Kernel version 3.1.8 with almost 10,000,000 lines of source code would be worth US$540M at standard complexity, or US$1,877M when rated as complex . Another Kernel Costing in 2011 put this figure at US$3 billion, so perhaps there s some more variance in here to play with. Individual Projects Other highlights by project included:
Project Version Thousands
Projected cost
at US$72,533/developer/year
Samba 3.6.1 2,000 US$101 (AU$93M)
Apache 2.2.9 693 US$33.5M (AU$31M)
MySQL 5.5.17 1,200 US$64.2M (AU$59.7M)
Perl 5.14.2 669 US$32.3M (AU$30M)
PHP 5.3.9 693 US$33.5M (AU$31.1M)
Bind 9.7.3 319 US$14.8M (AU$13.8M)
Moodle 1.9.9 396 US$18.6M (AU$17.3M)
Dasher 4.11 109 US$4.8M (AU$4.4M)
DVSwitch 6 US$250K (AU$232K)
Debian Wheezy by Programming Language The upstream code that Debian distributes is written in many different languages. ANSI C with 168,536,758 is the dominant language (40% of all lines), followed by C++ at 83,187,329 (20%) and Java with 34,698,990 (8%).
Line chart

Break down of Wheezy by Language

If you are intersted in finding the line count and cost projections for any of the 17,000+ projects, you will find them in the raw data CSV. Other Tools and Comparisons Ohcount is another source code cost analysis tool. In March 2011 Ohcount was run across Debian Sid: its results are here. In comparison, its results appear much lower than the sloccount tool. There s also the Debian Estimate which only finds 55 Million source lines of code and a projected cost of US$1B. However Ohloh uses Ohcount for its estimates, and seems to be to be around 370 million SLOC missing compared to my recent analysis. Summary Over the last 10 years the cost to develop Debian has increased ten-fold. It s intersting to know that US$19 billion of software is available to use, review, extend, and share, for the bargain price of $0. If we were to add in Debian patches and install scripts then this projected figure would increase. If only more organisations would realise the potential they have before them. Need help with Linux (including Debian), Perl, or AWS? See

12 December 2011

Simon Josefsson: Small syslog server

My home network has several devices that do not have large persistent storage to keep log files. For example, my wireless routers based on OpenWRT doesn t log to the limited local storage it has, and a Flukso energy metering device log power readings to a ramdisk. These devices log a fair amount of information that I ideally would like to keep for later analysis. I have never before seen a need to setup a syslogd server, thinking that storing logs locally and keeping regular backups of the machine is good enough. However, it appears like this situation calls for a syslogd server. I found an old NSLU2 in my drawer and installed Debian Squeeze on it following Martin Michlmayr s instructions. I m using a 4GB USB memory stick for storage, which should hold plenty of log data. I keep backups of the machine in case the USB memory stick wears out. After customizing the installation to my preferences (disable ssh passwords, disable portmap/rpc.statd/exim4, installing etckeeper, emacs23-nox, etc) I am ready to configure Rsyslog. I found what looked like the perfect configuration example, Storing messages from a remote system into a specific file , but it requires me to hard code a bit too much information in the configuration file for my taste. Instead, I found the DynFile concept. With a file /etc/rsyslogd.d/logger.conf as below I can point any new device to my log server and it will automatically create a new file for it. And since the dates are embedded into the filename, I get log rotation suitable for rsync-style backups for free.
$ModLoad imudp
$UDPServerRun 514 $ModLoad imtcp
$InputTCPServerRun 514 $template DynFile, /var/log/network-%HOSTNAME%-%$year%-%$month%-%$day%.log
:fromhost-ip, !isequal, ?DynFile
:fromhost-ip, !isequal, ~

flattr this!

9 December 2011

Christian Perrier: 10 years being Debian Developer - part 5: being a newbie DD...and working on l10n

I left you 2.5 months ago with the last question asked by my applicaiton manager, Martin Michlmayr : "Please tell me about about yourself and what you intend to do for Debian". Interesting question to revisit now, indeed. Here is what I answered: About myself first. I'm a 40 year old project manager and system administrator working in French National Aerospace Research Center. My best definition of my skills in computing is "Know more or less about a Lot of Things and be a Specialist of Nothing"...:-). I'm definitely not a programmer, nor a real system administrator, nor a RDBMS administrator, nor a personal workstation designer, though I do all of these daily. I think I'm perfect for finding the good person for having a defined job done. Besides this, I'm a genealogist for several years now. This is what finally decided me to apply for becoming a package maintainer : there are some quite good free genealogy software for Unix, though for various reasons they are not used very widely, even Unix geeks (my main software for genealogy still runs on Another Operatin System and is evertythig but free).I think that I can bring something here to the Free Software World, by helping some of these good programs in getting into the best Linux distribution I know.... For me, this is a mean for giving back to the free software movement what I gives to me since I discovered Linux 6-7 years ago. My very first intention as soon as I get my way into the Debian Developers Heaven is adopting the Geneweb package currently maintained by Brent Flugham. I'm in close contact with the author (who happens to be french, which helps) as well as a daily user of it. The current package which is in the distribution is already my work for a great part. I gave it to Brent, the current maintainer and we both agreed that it would be better for me to apply to becoming anofficial maintainer. I also contributed to the package for lifelines, another genealogy software. The last version of the package is also 80% my work, acknowledged by Javier, the official maintainer. Concerning that package, I do not have "plans" for adopting it (we didn't discussed of this with Javier, and I'm not sure I could bring him that much things). I came to Linux thanks to a great friend of mine, Ren Cougnenc. Ren opened my eyes to the free software world when I still thought that it was only a variant of free beers. I got really involved into Linux when I forced me to remove any other Operating System from my computer at work and tried to do my daily job with Linux. I have now succeeded at ONERA in getting free software to be accepted as a credible alternative for important projects. At this time, especially for server and network-related projects. I absolutely cannot tell why and how I came to be a Debian user. I simply don't remember. But I know why I am still a Debian user : this is a distribution which is controlled by only one organisation--->its users. And I want to be part of it. Finally, I did not mention above the somewhat "political" nature of my personal involvment into free software. Except for the physical appearence, I think I mimic RMS on several points (though he probably speaks better french than I try to speak english....which does not help for expressing complex ideas like the ones above!). As anyone can see, I was already very verbose when writing, sorry for this. Funnily Martin summed this up in one paragraph when he posted his AM report about my application. From what I see, also, my English didn't improve that much since then. It seems this is a desperatecause, I'm afraid. Anyway, all this was apparently OK for Martin and, on July 21st 2001, he wrote and posted his AM report and, on July 30th 2001, I got a mail by James Troup: An account has been created for you on developer-accessible machines with username 'bubulle'. was born. Now I can more easily destro^W contribute to my favourite Linux distro. Indeed, I don't remember that much about the 2001-2003 years. I was probably not that active in Debian. Mostly, I was maintaining geneweb, for which I polished the package to have it reach a quite decent state, with elaborated debconf configuration. Indeed, at that time, I was still also deeply involved in genealogy research and still contributing to several mutual help groups for this. This is about the time where I did setup my web site (including pages to keep the link with our US family, which we visited in 2002). I think that the major turn in my Debian activities happened around september 2002 when Denis Barbier contacted me to add support in geneweb for a new feature he introduced in Debian : po-debconf. At that time, I knew nearly nothing about localization and internationalization. Denis was definitely one of the "leaders" in this effort in Debian. During these years, he did a tremendous job setting up tools and infrastructure to make the translation work easier. One of his achievements was "po-debconf", this set of tools and scripts that allows translation debconf "templates", the questions asked to users when configuring packages. All this lead me to discover an entire new world : the world of translating software. As often when I discover something I like, I jumped into it very deeply. Indeed, in early January 2003, I did my very first contributions to debian-l10n-french and began working on systematic translation of debconf templates. Guess what was the goal : 100%, of course! Have ALL packages that have debconf templates...translated to French. We reached that goal.....on June 2nd 2008 in unstable (indeed "virtually" : all packages were either 100% translated...or had a bug report with a complete translation) and on December 21st 2010 for testing. Squeeze was indeed the first Debian release with full 100% for French. Something to learn with localization work: it's never finished and you have to be patient. So, back in 2003, we were starting this effort. Indeed, debian-l10n-french was, at that time, an incredibly busy list and the translation rate was very high: I still remember spending my summer holidays translating 2-3 packages debconf templates every day for two weeks. Meanwhile, my packaging activities were low: only geneweb and lifelines, that was all. Something suddenly changed this and it has been the other "big turn" in my Debian life. After summer 2003, I suddenly started coming on some strange packages that were needing translation: they were popping up daily in lists with funny names like "languagechooser", "countrychooser", "choose-mirror", etc. I knew nothing about them and started "translating" their strings too, and sending bug reports after a decent review on debian-l10n-french. Then, Denis Barbier mailed me and explained me that these things were belonging to a new shiny project named Debian Installer and meant to replace the good old boot-floppies. Denis explained me that it would maybe be more efficient to work directly in the "D-I" team and "commit" my work instead of sending bug reports. Commit? What's that? You mean this wizard tool that only Real Power Developers use, named "CVS"? But this is an incredibly complicated tool, Denis. Do you really want me, the nerd DD, to play with it? Oh, and in this D-I development, I see people who are close to be semi-gods. Names I read in mailing lists and always impress me with their Knowledge and Cleverness: Martin Michlmayr (my AM, doh), Tollef Fog Heen, Petter Reinholdtsen and so many others and, doh, this impressive person named "Joey Hess" who seems to be so clever and knowledgeable, and able to write things I have no clue about. Joey Hess, really? But this guy has been in Debian forever. Me, really? Work with the Elite of Debian? Doh, doh, doh. Anyway, in about two months time, I switched from the clueless guy status to the status of "the guy who nags people about l10n in D-I", along with another fellow named Denny "seppy" Stampfer". And then we started helping Joey to release well localized D-I alphas and betas at the end of 2003 (the release rate at the time was incredible: Sarge installer beta1 in November 2003, beta2 in January 2004). I really remember spending my 2003 Christmas holidays hunting for....100% completion of languages we were supporting, and helping new translators to work on D-I translation. Yes, 8 years ago, I was already doing all this..:-)...painting the world in red. All this leads up to the year 2004. Certainly the most important year in my Debian life because it has been....the year of my first DebConf. But you'll learn about another post (hopefully not in 2.5 months).

22 November 2011

Rapha&#235;l Hertzog: People behind Debian: Stefano Zacchiroli, Debian Project Leader

picture by Tiago Bortoletto Vaz, CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

It s been one year since the first People behind Debian interview. For this special occasion, I wanted a special guest and I m happy that our Debian Project Leader (DPL) Stefano Zacchiroli accepted my invitation. He has a difficult role in the community, but he s doing a really great job of it. He s a great mediator in difficult situations, but he s also opinionated and can push a discussion towards a conclusion. Read on to learn how he became a Debian developer and later DPL, what he s excited about in the next Debian release, and much more. Raphael: Who are you? Stefano: I m Stefano Zacchiroli, but I prefer to be called Zack, both on the Internet and in real life. I m 32, Italian, emigrated to France about 4 years ago. I live in Paris, and I find it to be one of the most gorgeous and exciting cities in the world. As my day job I m a Computer Science researcher and teacher at University Paris Diderot and IRILL. In my copious free time I contribute to Debian, and I m firmly convinced that doing so is an effective way to help the cause of Free Software. Besides, I find it to be a lot of fun! Raphael: How did you start contributing to Debian? Stefano: Flash back to 1999, when I was a 2nd year student in Computer Science at the University of Bologna. Back then in Italy it was uncommon for young geeks to get exposed to Free Software: Internet was way less pervasive than today and most computer magazines didn t pay much attention to GNU/Linux. Luckily for me, the professor in charge of the student lab was a Free Software enthusiast and all students machines there were running Debian. Not only that, but there was also a student program that allowed volunteers to become sysadmins after having shown their skills and convinced the director they were trustworthy. Becoming one of those volunteer Debian admins quickly became one of my top objectives for the year, and that is were I ve learned using Debian. The year after that, I got in touch with a research group that was to become the happy bunch of hackers with whom I would have done both my master and PhD theses. They were designing a new proof assistant. Most of the development was in OCaml and happened on Debian. OCaml was available in Debian, but many of the libraries we needed were not. So I approached the Debian OCaml Team offering to help. Before I realize what was going on I was (co-)maintainer of tens of OCaml-related packages. At some point I got told I think you should apply as a Debian Developer . So I did and in a couple of months I went through the New Member (NM) process, that was back then in its infancy. I still remember my happiness while reading the account created mail, the day after my 22nd birthday. I know the NM process went through some bad publicity in the past, but I m happy to see that nowadays the process can be as swift as it has been for me 10 years ago. Raphael: It s your second year as Debian Project Leader (DPL). Are you feeling more productive in the role? Do you fear to burn out? Stefano: I m feeling way more productive, no doubts. The task of the Debian Project Leader is not necessarily difficult, but it is a complex and scarcely documented one. It is also profoundly different from any other task that Debian people usually work on, so that experience doesn t help much in getting started. Before becoming effective as DPL one needs to get to know many people and mechanisms he is not familiar with. More importantly, one needs to set up a personal work-flow that allows to keep up with day-to-day DPL tasks (which are aplenty) as well as with urgencies (that tend to pop-up in the INBOX at the least convenient time). Finally, one also needs to do proper traffic shaping and always retain enough motivation bandwidth to keep the Project informed about what is going on in DPL-land. Finding the right balance among all these ingredients can take some time. Once one is past it, everything goes way more smoothly. The above is why I m constantly encouraging people interested in running for DPL in the future to reach out to me and work on some tasks of the current DPL s TODO list. I swear it is not just a cheap attempt at slavery!. It is rather an attempt at DPL mentoring that could be beneficial: both to give future candidates more awareness of the task, and to reduce the potential downtime when handing over from one DPL to the next. Regarding burn out, I don t feel prone to its risk these days. If I look back, I can say that my contributions as DPL have been pretty constant in volume over time; my enthusiasm for the task, if anything, is on the rise. The effectiveness of my contributions as DPL are, on the other hand, not mine to judge. Raphael: If you had to single out two achievements where you were involved as DPL, what would they be? Stefano: I d go for the following two, in no particular order: OK, let me cheat and add a third one I m also proud of having been able to report to the Project my whereabouts as DPL, thoroughly and periodically, since the very beginning is first term. People annoyed by my reporting logorrhea now have all my sympathies. Raphael: Among the possible new features of Debian Wheezy, which one gets you excited most? Stefano: It s multi-arch, no doubt. Even though it is not a directly user visible change, it s a very far reaching one. It is also one of those changes that make me feel that moment of truth of coders, when you realize you are finally doing the right thing and ditching piles of ugly hacks.
It s multi-arch [ ] you realize you are finally doing the right thing and ditching piles of ugly hacks.
Raphael: If you were not DPL and could spend all your time on Debian, what project would you do? Stefano: I would sit down and do software development for Debian. It s impressive how many important and beneficial changes for Debian could be delivered by specific software improvements in various parts of our infrastructure. We tend to attract many packagers, but not so many people willing to maintain Debian infrastructure softwares like dak, britney, debbugs, the PTS, etc. Their maintenance burden then falls on the shoulders of the respective teams which are generally very busy with other important tasks. As a project, we seem to be more appealing to packagers than to software developers. That is a pity given the amount of exciting coding tasks that are everywhere in Debian. Part of the reason we are not appealing to developers is that we are not particularly good at collecting coding tasks in a place where interested developers could easily pick them up. It also takes quite a bit of inside knowledge to spot infrastructure bugs and understand how to fix them. I long for some spare hacking time to check if I m still good enough of a coder to hunt down longstanding bugs in our infrastructure, which have ended up being my pet peeves. I d also love to dive again into RCBW. It s less committing than package maintenance, more diverse and challenging, and also an immensely useful activity to get Debian releases done. Raphael: Martin Michlmayr is worried that there is so few paid opportunities around Debian. Do you agree with his sentiment, and if yes do you have ideas on how to improve this situation? Stefano: The idealistic me wishes Debian to be a community made only of volunteers that devote their free time to the Project. Oh, and that me also wishes Debian to be competitive with similar projects, no matter how many full-time employees others have! That is coherent with a view of society where everyone has a day job, but also engages in volunteering activities ensuring that public interest is pursued by people motivated by interests other than profit. But I do realize that for Free Software to succeed companies, employees, and salaries should all have a role. I admire projects that strike a good balance between volunteer and paid work. The Linux kernel is emblematic in that respect: many developers are paid by companies that have a commercial or strategic interest in Linux. Nevertheless volunteers contributions are aplenty and the Linux community gives a convincing impression that choices are driven by the community itself (or by its benevolent dictator) without money-driven impositions.
I do realize that for Free Software to succeed companies, employees, and salaries should all have a role.
Such an ecosystem does not exist around Debian. We do have a partner program that allows for it to happen, but we have very few partners with an interest in doing distribution development work. Like Martin, I m worried by this state of affairs, because it de facto means we lag behind in terms of available people power. In a community of volunteers, that might frustrate people and that is not good. To improve over the status quo the first step is to federate together small and medium companies that have a strategic interest in Debian and listen to their needs. I m already in touch with representatives of such companies that, in many cases, already employ Debian Developers to do some distribution work in Debian. We will be soon sending out a call to reach out to more such companies, but since we are discussing this, why waiting? If some of our readers here are representative of such companies, I encourage them to get in touch with me about this. Raphael: You know that the fundraising campaign for the Debian Administrator s Handbook is on good track but the liberation of the book is not yet assured. What do you think of this project? Stefano: I m happy about the project, to the point that I ve accepted writing a testimonial for it :-) . I m sad about the scarce availability of up to date and high quality (DFSG-)Free books about Debian and I welcome any initiative that might help closing that gap.
I m sad about the scarce availability of up to date and high quality (DFSG-)Free books about Debian.
Free Culture is a great offspring of Free Software and I m convinced we need to stand up against double standards in the two camps. Letting aside software-specific licensing details, the basic freedoms to be defended are the same. They are those freedoms that ensure that a reader is in full control of his book, pretty much as they ensure that a computer user is in full control of the software that runs on it. I m therefore proud that Debian has long resolved that the Debian Free Software Guidelines (DFSG) apply not only to software but also to books and other pieces of documentation. But the status quo implies that not only we have very few up to date, high quality books about Debian. It also implies that, at present, we have no such book that we can distribute in the Debian archive, showing off the Free Software (and Free Culture!) values we stand for.
Crowdfunding is considered to be a good mate for Free Culture, where the services model that applies to Free Software is more difficult to exploit. I so wish any luck to yours and Roland s initiative. A different matter is whether Debian, as a project, should endorse the initiative and actively campaign for it. As you know, I think it should not. While we do advertise general project donations, we don t do mission-specific fundraising campaign for Debian itself. Coherently with that, I don t think we should relay crowdfunding campaigns for 3rd parties, even when the result would be beneficial to Debian. Raphael: Is there someone in Debian that you admire for their contributions? Stefano: There are two classes of people that I particularly admire in Debian:
Thank you to Zack for the time spent answering my questions. I hope you enjoyed reading his answers as I did.

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4 October 2011

Michael Banck: 4 Oct 2011

Woodchuck and FrOSCon

At the end of August, I attended FrOSCon in Bonn again, after skipping it last year. The evening before FrOSCon however, I visited Neal Walfield, his wife Isabel and their little son Noam in D sseldorf. Besides having a great time and a lovely dinner, I was most impressed by their collection of Maemo devices (they had at least two N770s, an N900 and, to my jealousy, an N950) which Neal is doing research on these days. He works on woodchuck, which is a project investigating how to improve data availability on mobile devices and our conversation prompted him to implement ATP Woodchuck, which makes smarter decisions when to run APT upgrade on your Maemo device then the standard updater. As part of the research, they also run a user behaviour study which I joined, where one installs a client which records various data off your N900 and sends them anonymized (he seems to be doing a good job at that) to figure out how people use their mobile devices and hopefully enhance the experience. So if you have a N900, you should consider joining the study so they get better data.
The next day, I picked up Martin Michlmayr nearby and we headed for FrOSCon. I was quite impressed by the Makerbot at the Tarent booth, but I still don't know what they are really doing and why they had it on display... In the afternoon, I attended a couple of talks in the PostgreSQL developer room and a talk about a big OpenVPN deployment, before ending the day with the excellent as always social event barbeque. On Sunday, I went to quite a few talks, but I thought that two of them were particularly interesting:
Michael "Monty" Widenius of MySQL gave a talk titled "Why going open source will improve your product" about starting businesses on an open source project, or how business can/should open-source their product. Besides a detailed discussion about the various forms of Open Source licenses and the Open-Core model, he proposed the idea of "Business Source" (see slide 20 of his presentation), where a startup would distribute the source code under a non-commercial (but otherwise open-source) license with the explicit guarantee that the license would be changed to a true FLOSS license at some defined point in the future, giving the company a head start to develop and nurture their project. I asked whether this has been already implemented in practise and how the community could be sure that e.g. lawyers after a hostile takeover would not just remove that part of the copyright notice, as long as a true distribution under a FLOSS license has not happened yet. Monty wasn't aware of any real-word cases, and he did not seem to be concerned about this and said the original intent would be clear in a possible court case. This was the first time I heard about this approach, I wonder how other people think about it, whether it would work in practise and be a useful thing to have?
Second, I attended a talk by Gregor Geiermann, a Ph.D. student in linguistics on "Perceptions of rudeness in Free Software communities". He conducted an online survey about the perceived rudeness of several forum thread posts on Ubuntu Forums. Survey participants were first asked a couple of generic questions about their gender, nationality etc. and were then presented with a series of posts. For each post, they were asked to rate how rude they thought it was on a scale of 1 to 5 and they also had the possibility to highlight the parts of the post they considered rude as well as add comments. He presented a neat web application for analyzing the results, which makes it possible to select different groups (he did male vs. female and Americans vs. Germans in the talk) and have their overall rudeness ratings as well as the highlighted texts visualized as different shades of blue. Comments can be easily accessed. There were quite a few interesting differences e.g. in how Germans perceived rudeness compared to Americans (RTFM comments were considered less rude by Germans for example, IIRC). In response to my question, he said he intended to release the web application as open source and this might be an interesting tool for FLOSS projects to analyze how their public communication channels are perceived by various groups. Unfortunately, I cannot find any other resources about this on the web as of today, so I should try to contact him about it at some point.

13 September 2011

Christian Perrier: 10 years being Debian Developer - part 4: NM process

So, this story begins in January 2001, when I applied in the Debian New Maintainer Process. I wanted to maintain Geneweb, which I was using to publish my genealogy research results. And I wanted to keep it up-to-date while upstream was doing a quite fast development. Moreover, I quickly noticed that Geneweb had big trouble in respecting the way data is organized on a Debian system, and respect the FHS. How to have weveral users able to publish their data on the same server without compromizing the overall system security, etc. Upstream development didn't really care about that. Daniel de Rauglaudre is an excellent genealogist and developer but he was not interested in making Geneweb clean "the Debian way". For instance, at that time, it wasn't easy to setup a server, where genealogy databases could be published without having to manually launch a daemon in user mode at each reboot. Arranging this was indeed my first contribution. I contributed a few patches to make it easier to turn Geneweb into something FHS-compliant...and I developed init scripts and an organization allowing one to have shared databases after system reboots. That was rapidly a great introduction to Debian maintainer scripts and even security-related challenges. And all this....because I needed it. Basically, in 2001, the geneweb package adopted the organization it still has in Debian and Ubuntu, 10 years later: While doing so, I was going through the New Maintainer Process. The Debian developer who had signed my key was Sam Tardieu, of of those longstanding "Freenix" dudes I was sometimes hanging around. I don't remember who did write my advocacy. Michael Mattice was my first Application Manager. Interestingly, here are the three first questions he asked my as part of the Policy and Procedures check : Mike actually asked the questions on February 17th and I probably answered immediately. Unfortunately it seems that I lost my answers. Maybe they are in some archive somewhere. Would be interesting to see how I ended giving an answer about the TeX exception.:-) Immediately, Mike moved to the Tasks and Skills step and checked my geneweb and lifelines packages (I already prepared a package for that other genealogy software). From my records, he found a few lintian warnings, which I probably made my best to fix, then later on, on March 12th, he answered me that thigns were OK and he was marking the T&S step as passed...handing things over to the NM database, asking me what username I wanted on (obviously, you know what I answered to this!). Then nothing happened..:-) I was not that impatient, but finally, around June 27th, I politely mailed NM Frontdesk (I guess) to get news...and I got a very quick answer by Martin Michlmayr. Martin was indeed worried about the situation (he told me I was on his as, many years later, as many DDs, Martin probably went on mine because of pending localization work..:-)) Finally, Martin decided he was not entirely happy with the (maybe too short) processing for P&P and proposed me (very politely, you know how Martin is!) to do it again. So, some more questions...:-) Here, I have the answers. Really fun ro read. Hang on, pure bubulle style, very verbose! What a bunch of questions..:-). Reading my answers ten years after, I see that some answers are somehow naive but, after all, they're not so bad. I really remember spending hours in writing them (my English was somehow more shaky at that time) The last question was: "Please tell me about about yourself and what you intend to do for Debian". Here, Martin opened a big can of worms..:-) So, you'll learn about this in the next episode..:-)

9 September 2011

Rapha&#235;l Hertzog: People behind Debian: Enrico Zini, member of the New Maintainer Frontdesk

Enrico ZiniEven though Enrico is not smiling on this picture, he s one of the friendliest Debian person that I know. I always enjoy his presentations because he can t refrain from inserting jokes or other funny tricks. :-) That said he s serious too, there s lots of good stuff that he has developed over the years (starting with Debtags) and he has put a lot of effort in reforming the New Maintainer process. Read on to learn more about his various projects. Raphael: Who are you? Enrico: Hi, I m Enrico Zini, a DD from Italy. I m 35 and I work as a freelance Free Software developer. One of my historical roles in Debian is taking care of Debtags, but that is not all I do: my paid work led me to write and maintain some weather forecast related software in Debian, and recently I gained a Front Desk hat, and then a DAM hat. Raphael: How did you start contributing to Debian? Enrico: It was 2001, I was at uni, I was using Debian. At some point I wanted to learn packaging so I read through the whole Policy from top to bottom. Then I thought: why package only for myself? . There were many DDs at my uni, and it only seemed natural to me to join Debian as well. Evidently this was also natural for Zack [Note from editor: Stefano Zacchiroli], who had become DD 6 months earlier and didn t hesitate to advocate me. I found the Policy and the Developer s Reference to be very interesting things to read, and I welcomed my AM s questions as an excuse to learn more. I completely understand those people who have fun trying to answer all the questions in the NM templates while they wait for an AM. With my super DAM powers I can see that my AM report was submitted on October 16, 2001 by my AM Martin Michlmayr, and that James Troup created my account 9 days later, on October 25. Raphael: You have a special interest in the New Maintainer (NM) Process since you are a Debian Account Manager (DAM) and a member of the NM Frontdesk. Thanks to your work the process is much less academic/bureaucratic than it used to be. Can you remember us the main changes? Enrico: One of the first things I noticed when I become a Front Desk member is that there was a tendency to advocate people too early, thinking by the time they ll get an AM, they ll know enough . Unfortunately, this didn t always work, and once the real NM process started it would turn into a very long and demotivating experience both for the applicant and for the AM. So we tried raising the bar on advocacies, and that seems to have helped a lot. If people join NM when they are ready, it means that NM is quick and painless both for them and their AMs, who are therefore able to process more applicants. We also did a rather radical cleanup of the NM templates , which are a repository of questions that Application Managers can ask to their applicants. We realized that AMs were just sending the whole templates to their applicants, so we moved all non-essential questions to separate files, to drastically reduce the amounts of questions that are asked by default. Other improvements in the NM process came from other parts of Debian: nowadays there are lots of ways to learn and gradually gain experience and reputation inside the project before joining NM, which means that we get many candidates who we can process quickly. For example, packages can now be uploaded via sponsors, and the Mentors project helps new contributors to find sponsors and get their first packages reviewed. Then one can now become Debian Maintainer and take full responsibility of their own packages, gaining experience and reputation. The idea of working in teams also helped: big teams like the Perl, Python, KDE, Ocaml, Haskell teams (and many more) are excellent entry points for people who have something to package. But Debian is not just for packagers, and one could join teams like the Website team, the Press and Publicity team, the Events and Merchandise team or their local translation team. Becoming DDs the non-uploading way is not just for non-technical people: one could enjoy programming but not packaging. An interesting way to get involved in that way is to help writing or maintaining some of the many Debian services. Note that I m not suggesting this as a way to learn how to program, but as a way to get involved in Debian by writing code. Finally, we started to appreciate the importance of having people activities in Debian explicitly visible, which means that the more obviously good work one has done in Debian, the less questions we need to ask. Jan Dittberner s DDPortfolio is an excellent resource for AMs and Front Desk, and I m maintaining a service called minechangelogs that for people who have done lots of work in Debian is able to fully replace the Tasks&Skills parts of the NM process. Raphael: What are your plans for Debian Wheezy? Enrico: For Wheezy I hope to be able to streamline and simplify Debtags a bit more. At Debconf11 I had a conversation with FTP-masters on how to make some tags more official, and I now have to work a bit more on that. I d also like to considerably downsize the codebase behind the debtags package, now that its job is quite clear and I don t need to experiment with fancy features the way I did in the past. I have to say that I enjoy programming more than I enjoy packaging, so most of my plans in Debian are not tied to releases. For example, I d like to finish and deploy the new NM website codebase soon: it would mean to have a codebase that s much easier to maintain, and in which it s much easier to implement new features. I d also like to design a way to allow maintainers to review the tag submission to their own packages instead of having to wait for me or David Paleino to do a regular review of all the submissions. Finally, I d like to promote the usage of apt-xapian-index in more cutting-edge packaging applications. And to design a way to maintain up to date popcon information in one s local index. And improve and promote those services that I maintain, and I tend to often have ideas for new ones. Raphael: If you could spend all your time on Debian, what would you work on? Enrico: If I could spend all my time on Debian, I would do a lot of software development: I love doing software development, but most of my development energy is spent on my paid work. I guess I would start my all your time in Debian by taking better care of the things that I m already doing, and by promoting them better so that I wouldn t end up being the only person maintaining them. After that, however, I reckon that I do have a tendency of noticing new, interesting problems in need(?) of a solution, and I guess I would end up wildly experimenting new ideas in Debian much like a victorian mad scientist. Which reminds me that I most definitely need minions! Where can I find minions? Raphael: You re the author of the Debian Community Guidelines. I have always felt that this document should be more broadly advertised. For example by integrating it in the Developer s Reference. What do you think? Enrico: The DCG was really a collection of tips to improve one s online communication, based on ideas and feedback that I collected from pestering many experienced and well-respected people for some time. Like every repository of common sense, I think it should be widely promoted but never ever turned into law. It wouldn t be a bad idea to mention it in the Developer s Reference, or to package it as a separate file in the developers-reference package. The reasons I haven t actively been pushing for that to happen are two: there isn t much in the DCG that is specific to Debian, and I don t have the resources to do a proper job maintaining it. It d be great if somebody could take over its maintenance and make it become some proper, widespread, easy-to-quote online reference document, like one of those HOWTOs that all serious people have read at some point in their lives. Raphael: What s the biggest problem of Debian? Enrico: It s sometimes hard to get feedback or help if you work on something unusual. That is partly to be expected, and partly probably due to me not having yet learnt how to get people involved in what I do. Raphael: What motivates you to continue to contribute year after year? Enrico: Debian keeps evolving, so there is always something to learn. And Debian is real, so everything I do is constantly measured against reality. What more intellectual stimulation could one possibly want? Raphael: Is there someone in Debian that you admire for their contributions? Enrico: I don t think I could reasonably list everyone I admire in Debian: pretty much in every corner of the project there is someone, sometimes not very well known, who is putting a lot of Quality in what they do. Someone who decided that X should work well in Debian or that Debian should work well for Y or that Z is something Debian people can rely on and makes sure that it is so. Those are the people who make sure Debian is and will be not just a hobby, but a base upon which I can rely for my personal and working life.
Thank you to Enrico for the time spent answering my questions. I hope you enjoyed reading his answers as I did.

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21 August 2011

Chris Lamb: Timezone bingo in debian/changelog files

Tim pointed out that it's worth travelling simply for the new timezone in your debian/changelog entries. We can use AptFs to work out who has collected the most so far:
import os
import glob
import itertools
import collections
from dateutil.parser import parse
from debian.changelog import Changelog
data = collections.defaultdict(set)
for package in glob.glob('/apt/*'):
    if os.path.islink(package):
        continue # Consider source packages only
        changelog = Changelog(open('%s/debian/changelog' % package))
        continue # Ignore invalid changelogs
    for entry in changelog:
        except ValueError:
            pass # Ignore invalid dates
fn = lambda x: len(x[1])
top = sorted(data.items(), key=fn, reverse=True)
for k, g in itertools.groupby(top, key=fn):
    print "\n%d timezone(s):" % k
    for author, timezones in sorted(g):
        print " * %s (%s)" % (
            author.encode('utf8', 'ignore'),
            ', '.join(sorted(timezones, reverse=True)),
14 timezone(s):
 * Bdale Garbee <> (-0800, -0700, -0600, -0500, -0400, -0300,
   +1300, +1100, +1030, +0900, +0300, +0200, +0100, +0000)
12 timezone(s):
 * Joey Hess <> (-1000, -0900, -0800, -0700, -0500, -0400,
   -0300, -0200, +0300, +0200, +0100, +0000)
11 timezone(s):
 * Paul Wise <> (-0400, -0300, +1300, +1100, +1000, +0930,
   +0900, +0800, +0200, +0100, +0000)
9 timezone(s):
 * Barak A. Pearlmutter <> (-0700, -0600, -0500, -0400, +0500,
   +0300, +0200, +0100, +0000)
 * Martin Michlmayr <> (-1000, -0700, -0300, +1100, +1000,
   +0300, +0200, +0100, +0000)
 * Martin Pitt <> (-0800, -0700, -0600, -0500, -0400, +0300,
   +0200, +0100, +0000)
 * Sam Hocevar (Debian packages) <> (-0700, -0500, -0400, -0300,
   +0930, +0300, +0200, +0100, +0000)
Full output. However, something tells me we aren't going to see widespread gamification of Debian development.

1 August 2011

Christian Perrier: DD, 10 years

On July 30th, 2001, I received a mail from James Troup stating that I was a Debian developer, this 10 days after my Application Manager, namely Martin Michlmayr, sent his AM report. Summarizing these 10 years will be....interesting. Now that I'm on holidays, I'll try too cook something up. Sorry, folks, I completely forgot celebrating this last Saturday.

